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![]() > > IMAGE FILE 021 : / / Discovery site of #0209 Delirium |
SERIAL: #0209 TITLE: Delirium CLASSIFICATION: Parasite SECURITY STATUS: Hostile KNOWN INSTANCES: Six (6) DISCOVERED: Mesoplanet X02-90 / / Site #809 DESCRIPTION: >> Serial #0209 refers to an extra-terrestrial parasite, dubbed in-lab as "Delirium." Thus far, only juvenile and adult specimens have been observed, and reproduction methods remain unknown. Post-mortem biopsies carried out on Specimen 3 revealed strained DNA strands consistent with known signs of cloning; thus, it is possible that #0209 Delirium is the result of an unknown lab experiment. >> Six (6) instances of #0209 Delirium were discovered by a crew of fourteen scouts belonging to the RX-14 Terraforming Colony. The scouting crew landed upon Mesoplanet X02-90 with the purpose of scouting for possible oil deposits, and body-cam footage reveals the discovery of dry ruins populated by various T-shaped monoliths. The corpse of an unidentified creature was observed atop one of these monoliths, as photographed in IMAGE FILE 21. Footage shows one of the crew members ascending the monolith to collect samples. The corpse falls to the ground after handling, and upon turning it over, what appears to be an open wound in the chest cavity reveals six (6) leech-like creatures coiled within. Four (4) of these lifeforms appear to leap and burrow into the skin of four (4) crew members. The remaining two (2) were collected for study, and transported to the Geiger Institute Labs for the study. >> Upon infection, the parasitic growth of #0209 Delirium reaches full adulthood over a span of around two years. The parasite latches upon the cauda equina section of the lower spinal cord, and as it grows, progresses into a large serpentine creature which coils the spine completely. In doing so, it seizes control of the entire body's nervous system. Both the host's body and psyche are affected greatly by #0209 Delirium's growth. This has been split into four recognizable stages: CLICK TO EXPAND FILE: "#O209 Delirium Growth Stages"
Stage 1 / / 0-3 Months / / >> During the early stages of infection, all four (4) hosts experienced onsets of vertigo and would often describe a constant itching sensation inside their head. Instances of insomnia and increased paranoia were recorded at this stage. Externally, hosts presented with jaundiced skin and bloodshot eyes as a result of their immune system working over time. Stage 2 / / 3-5 Months / / >> By the third month of infection, each host experienced a seemingly anomalous gain of strength and agility. Of the four (4) collected hosts, each one appeared to triple their capabilities regardless of their previous physical condition. Blood pressure became extremely low, but to no obvious ill effect. All hosts presented semi-translucent skin to varying degrees, with dark varicose veins predominantly present around the wrists, collarbone, and neck. This stage is primarily defined by the host's reporting that they can hear a whispering voice inside their head. Stage 3 / / 5-24 Months / / "DELIRIUM" / / >> Stage 3, also known as the "Delirium Stage" is the stage at which each host underwent a significant change in psyche. Hosts displayed completely red and bloodshot scleras, greyed skin, and were observed to have bouts of unawareness and delirium. Hosts would often engage in conversations with the voice inside their head, and, at times, spoken phrases would be inconsistent with the host's character and would appear to be manipulated by the parasite itself. Specimen #01 in particular would sometimes describe a 'friendly relationship' with the parasite when asked about it, and would describe an uncanny appetite for human flesh. Despite this, hosts continued to gain ample sustenance from common foods. Micro movements and reactions, such as catching a falling glass (as observed in Specimen #03's chamber) would appear to be orchestrated by the parasite. At this stage, #0209 Delirium demonstrated the ability to seize control of some bodily functions at ease, particularly when presented with 'dangerous' scenarios, and would suggest a willing protectiveness over its host for the sake of preserving its own life. As time progressed through stage 3, the host and the parasite would switch pilot over the body's movements at increasing intervals. Specimens #02 and #04 were neutralized at this stage due to a containment breach. Future hosts should be kept under strict containment at all times during research at this stage, due to the instability of each specimen's mind and the hostility of the parasite. Stage 4 / / 24+ Months / / >> The two (2) year mark staged the beginning of absolute control within the remaining two (2) hosts. At this stage, the human host's mind is completely lost, and the body is instead fully piloted by the parasite within. MRI Scans show that at this stage, the parasite has completely coiled the spine and has partly embedded itself within the brain stem. All vocalizations, movements, and decisions are hence orchestrated by #0209 Delirium. All symptoms as described above remain true: greying skin, bloodshot eyes, and enhanced strength, agility, and reactions. #0209 Delirium was observed in both cases to be able to hold consistent conversations with researchers, though their use of the vocal chords resulted in a lowered pitch of voice in both remaining hosts. Over the course of the two-year infection, #0209 Delirium appeared to have displayed remarkable learning capabilities; understanding a wide range of concepts and vocabulary though often unable to empathize with emotional and moral questions during interviews. Both hosts were classified as hostile due to answers given during interviews. Specimen #03 was neutralized following an attempt at escape, resulting in nine (9) deaths among GI Labs staff. Specimen #01 escaped containment 402 days ago, and remains missing. Interview files can be found on Specimen #01's access page. SPOILER: / / "Origins"
WARNING: The following information is brief, but is completely unknown to both the current IC world and GI Labs themselves. This information may be uncovered IC, if the plot leads to it. #0209 Delirium is an ancient biological weapon engineered by one side of an extraterrestrial war some 500 years ago. The weapon was dispersed across its planet of discovery, and infected several hundred of the existing alien population with the parasite. The planet's affected inhabitants lost their minds over time and began to destroy and cannibalize their own people, thus resulting in the ultimate extinction of their kind. Unable to reproduce naturally, the remaining hosts of #0209 Delirium succumbed to entropy and perished from long age. Due to the sheer amount of parasites released upon the planet, many corpses still held dormant juvenile instances within their bodies. One such body was disturbed by a team of human colonists, thus resulting in the creation of several human hosts. |